Drama ranking 2016

doctor x aibou nige-haji

What drama is most hot in 2016!?

The dramas ratings ranking 2016 in Japan is announced by Video Reseach corporation which is Japanese marketing research company. Which drama is the most popular?

The first is "Doctor X season 4" by Japanese broadcaster TV Asahi, it received an average viewer rating of 21.4%. It follows the story of "Doctor X", a highly skilled doctor Michiko Daimon working for the large hospital in Japan, the University of Toutei Hospital.

doctor x

She faces and operates numerous incurable diseases with saying "I never fail(Watashi Shippai Shinainode)". Then, she recices high fee like a Japanese famous comic "Black Jack".

The second is "99.9" by Japanese broadcaster TBS(Tokyo Broadcasing System Television Inc), it received an average viewer rating of 17.1%. Japanese criminal justice system is well known as extremely high conviction rate, which exceeds 99%. In this drama, Hiroto Miyama who is criminal lawyer struggle to win acquittal.

The third and fourth are "Aibou(means partner in English)" 14 season and 15season by Japanese broadcaster TV Asahi, it received an average viewer rating of 14.9%. Ukyo Sugishita the leading character of this drama is a police inspector assigned to the fictional Special Missions Unit of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. His partner changes after two or three seasons, and it becomes topics and conversation who is next partner of Ukyo.

comic ranking top three

The fifth is "Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu" by Japanese broadcaster TBS based on the same name of romance shojo manga by Tsunami Umino. "Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu" means "Runnnig away is a shame, but usefuli"in English, and it derive from Hungarian proverb "szégyen a futás de hasznos".


This drama is a hit not only because of romance story, but also a ending the leading actress, Yui Aragaki, dances so cutely.

What drama will be hit in 2017?