Anime ranking 2016
What anime is most hot in 2016!?
The animation ranking 2016 is announced by DWANGO Co Ltd which is Japanese telecommunications and media company. Two hundred thousand users of DWANGO participated in this survey.
The first is "JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE" based on JoJo's series of comic by Hirohiko Araki. This animation is story of Joestar family whose members have names that can be abbreviated to the "JoJo", and each of them have unique original powers.

"JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE" season four(part four) was broadcast in 2016. The leading character of this animation is Josuke who is the illegitimate child of Joseph Joestar. Joseph is the leading character of season three. The original comic is published in 1992 to 1995, the fans of this comic wait for making it into an animation from then.
The second is "Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World " based on Japanese light novel by Tappei Nagatsuki. Subaru Natsuki who is a leaing character of this story is suddenly summoned from convenience store to another world with power of taveling back in time.
Time travel story is an old and common theme, but this story differs from that in a leading character is summoned to another world like RPG(Role-playing video game).

The third is "KonoSuba", the fourth is "Yuri on Ice", and the fifth is "Iron-Blooded Orphans ". "Iron-Blooded Orphans" is mecha animation and is fourteenth in Sunrise's long-running Gundam series.
There are animations many people attracted, but on the other hand there are animations that anime geek(Otaku) think they should be more high rated. Japanese news website "Da Vinci" annouonced the ranking of that anime based on anime geeks.who watch more than one hundred animation a year.

The first is "Alderamin on the Sky", the second is "BBK/BRNK", the thrid is "Three Leaves, Three Colors". Many anime geek say final episode of "Alderamin on the Sky"is superb, and expect a sequel of it.
What anime will be hit in 2017?