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Japanese ceremony Nyushashiki
Japanese companies encourage a new employee!?
"Nyushashiki" is Japanese ceremony on entry into the company. Japanese companies encourage a new employee through this ceremony. It is often held on April 1st, but is held in the end of March sometimes. This ceremony is peculiar to Japan because Japanese companies hire many new graduates in a mass. The bulk hiring of new graduates is called "Shinsotsu-Ikkatsusaiyou" in Japanase.
Nyushashiki ceremony is variously, some companies hold it in the ritzy hotel, the other companies hold it in the meeting room of them. A program of this ceremony is often instruction by CEO, self-introduction, speaking of one's aspiration by new employees and more. TV network companies encourage a new employee by Japanese celebrities.

This ceremony finish during the morning in general. Person who belong personal division takes a commemorative photo of new emplyees, and distribute a work rule book to them after this ceremony. In addition, new employees are introduced to the member of company in each department. A welcome party for new employees is often held at night, it is called Kangeikai in Japanese.
Many Japanese companies hold this ceremony on April 1st or the first Monday of April, but some companies hold it in the end of March. For example, Seven & I Holdings Co.(SEVEN ELEVEN) holds it in the end of March every year. This ceremony of Seven & I is broadcasted as the begining of Nyushashiki season.
New employees often wear a dark suit called recuruit suit, and act as a group on the day of Nyushashiki. You can experience Japanese culture through looking at them if you travel Japan in the begining of April.