Plum rain(Tsuyu)

rain japanese meteorological agency hydrangea train in Hakone

Japanese rainy season Tsuyu start in June!

Plum rain called Tsuyu in Japan is rainy season in east asia, Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan. This rainy season in Japan starts in June, ends in July. Precipitation of this season occupies 20% of annual precipitation in Japan. Plum rain is a common feature in the end of spring and beginning of summer.

Start of plum rain is called Tsuyu-iri, and end of plum rain is called Tsuyu-ake in Japan. Japanese Meteorological Agency publish Tsuyu-iri and Tsuyu-ake though Tsuyu-ake was formally on June 11 in the past. It publishes them with considering conversion period for several days.

rain and umbrella

Its publication is a subject of social concern every year because heavy rain cause severe damage. Three thousands of houses broke, and one hundred people died by land slides and floods caused heavy rain in 2014.

However, it is difficult to predict the weather forecast perfectly. Above disaster in 2014 occured after publishing Tuyu-ake(end of plum rain) by Japanese Meteorological Agency. In several years ago, many people made complaints about its Tuyu-ake was off. It received complaints, and stopped them.

japanese meteorological agency

It restart publications two years later with ambiguous words like perhaps or maybe since many farmers wanted its publications though many people made complaints. In addition, it often correct when Tsuyu-iri and Tuyu-ake is in after three months later. Summer often comes without its publications of Tuyu-ake(end of plum rain) in some region.

By the way, hydrangea macrophylla is a feature of plum rain in Japan, and is a season word of haiku poem. Hydrangea festival is held at some park and shrine in this season. People see it not only during daytime but also in night by hydrangea train. This train runs Hakone city which is famous as hot spring resorts in the middle of June. You should book a seat to ride this train.

hydrangea train in Hakone

If you travel Japan in plum rain season, you can experience Japanese culture through hydrangea and more.